
Our New Office in Ljubljana, Slovenia
02/12/2024  Our New Office in Ljubljana, Slovenia
We are proud to announce the opening of our new office in Ljubljana, Slovenia as of December 2nd 2024.
This move confirms our ambition to become a leading Central-Eastern European law firm.
Our local team will be led by Pia Florjančič Požeg Vancaš, an experienced Slovenian attorney, who has been appointed to Старший юрист and Head of the Office for Slovenia.
Our new office will be focused on providing legal support to international clients already present in or expanding to Slovenia.
In case of any enquiries for legal services in Slovenia please address your usual contact in PETERKA PARTNERS, or directly Pia Florjančič Požeg Vancaš (florjancic@peterkapartners.si).
Thank you for your continued trust and support of PETERKA PARTNERS.
PETERKA & PARTNERS advised J&T VENTURES CG SICAV in acquisition of shares
06/08/2024 PETERKA & PARTNERS advised J&T VENTURES CG SICAV in acquisition of shares
PETERKA & PARTNERS provided legal services to a venture investment fund, J&T VENTURES CG SICAV, in connection with the acquisition of shares in a Series A investment round co-led by US Momenta Ventures. The investment was made in a Czech company Sprayvision, a European leader in spray pattern digitalization, analysis, evaluation, process control, and non-contact thickness measurement. PETERKA & PARTNERS assisted J&T VENTURES CG SICAV in drafting and amending transaction documentation and negotiating with the founders and co-investor, Momenta Ventures.
EN website - Momenta EN website - Vestbee CZ website - HOSPODARSKE NOVINY EN website - Nordic 9
Warsaw Office Celebrates 15th Anniversary
15/07/2024 Warsaw Office Celebrates 15th Anniversary
In June 2024, the Polish office of our firm celebrated its 15th Anniversary. Since its opening in 2009, the office has grown to over 30 experts. The event gathered together our dear Clients, Equity Партнерs, Directors of other offices in the CEE region, and our key and trusted colleagues from the entire firm. We are proud and grateful to all of our clients for the trust that they place in us to handle their important legal and tax matters. The partnership we enjoy with our clients is special and a source of great pride to all of us at PETERKA & PARTNERS. We are deeply committed to the success of our clients' goals and objectives and look forward to celebrating more historic milestones with them, and our attorneys, staff and alumni throughout the next years. The firm’s practices and lawyers are regularly ranked in various international rankings such as Chambers and Партнерs, Legal500, and IFLR. We are also recognized in local research. For more information, visit the firm’s 15th Anniversary article in Rynek Prawniczy and our recent post on LinkedIn.
We're thrilled to announce the launch of the Data Protection Guide by ILN!
29/04/2024 We're thrilled to announce the launch of the Data Protection Guide by ILN!
Authored by the team of cybersecurity and data privacy experts, this comprehensive resource is designed to provide invaluable insights into data protection regulations across multiple jurisdictions. Covering a wide array of topics, including governing legislation, scope of application, legislative framework, requirements for data processing, rights and duties of data providers, regulatory authorities, consequences of non-compliance, and much more, this guide is your go-to reference for navigating the complexities of data protection laws. We're especially proud to highlight the contributions from our Czech, Romanian, and Ukrainian offices of PETERKA & PARTNERS, whose expertise and dedication have been instrumental in crafting this invaluable resource. Whether you're a legal professional, compliance officer, or business leader, this guide is an indispensable tool for ensuring your organization remains compliant and secure in an ever-evolving digital landscape. Ready to dive in? Click this link to access the Data Protection Guide and stay ahead of the curve!
19/04/2024 PETERKA & PARTNERS advised J&T VENTURES
PETERKA & PARTNERS provided legal advisory services to a venture investment fund J&T VENTURES, in connection with investment in company Apify, a world leader in providing cloud platforms for developing and running web scraping solutions, in particular executing DD, drafting and amending transaction documentation, and negotiation with founders and seed investors.
The PETERKA & PARTNERS´ team was led by partner Ondrej Dusek. The other team members involved in providing services to the client were Patricie Calova and Jakub Guth.
More information is available here: CZ website - Lupa CZ website - CzechCrunch CZ website - Forbes EN website - StartUpKitchen EN website - TheRecursive
Peterka & Партнерs assisted Saint-Gobain
04/04/2024 Peterka & Партнерs assisted Saint-Gobain
Peterka & Партнерs’ Prague and Zagreb offices assisted Saint-Gobain with Czech and Croatian legal aspects of the acquisition of Glass Service a.s., a leading provider of digital solutions for glass furnaces, including advanced control systems and simulation software that enables customers to reduce their energy consumption. The closing of the transaction was subject to antitrust approvals and took place on 2 April 2024. This acquisition will complement Saint-Gobain’s range of digital services, offering predictive, diagnostic, and data-driven solutions to improve energy efficiency for its customers and reduce the carbon footprint of their products and processes. Peterka & Партнерs closely cooperated with the leading French law firm Gide Loyerette Nouel, which leaded legal teams in six jurisdictions. The Peterka & Партнерs team was led by partner Ondřej Dušek, with associates Petr Říha, Patricie Čalová and Anja Haramija.
Prague and Bratislava office in latest Chambers rankings
20/03/2024 Prague and Bratislava office in latest Chambers rankings
The highly-anticipated CHAMBERS Europe 2024 rankings are now live and PETERKA & PARTNERS have some remarkable news to share! Our Czech and Slovak offices have once again kept their positions among the leading law firms in the Трудове право and Corporate/M&A practice areas. We would like to thank all of our clients, partners, and colleagues, for their continued trust and support. Special thanks goes to the leaders of our Practice Groups and their dedicated teams: - Adela Krbcova and Kristina Čermáková, Leaders of Labour Law
- Gabriela Hájková, Leader of Corporate
- Dorota Ploskowicz and Agnieszka Siwińska, Leaders of Mergers and Acquisitions

Furthermore, we're proud that PETERKA & PARTNERS Slovakia has earned recognition also in the exclusive Chambers Global 2024 guide for the Corporate/M&A practice area and, as the only Slovak law firm, in the Corporate/M&A practice area (France). Special thanks therefore go out to our colleagues from the French Desk, led by Andrea Butasova. The Desk’s specialized knowledge and understanding of the French milieu have been invaluable in serving our clients effectively and played a significant role in securing this prestigious recognition.
PETERKA & PARTNERS advised Fenix Outdoor International AG
19/03/2024 PETERKA & PARTNERS advised Fenix Outdoor International AG
The Prague office of Peterka & Партнерs, along with its Slovak and Hungarian offices, provided legal advisory to an important Swedish outdoor equipment producer and retailer in relation to acquisition of a minority shareholding in a Czech company that distributes the client’s products both online and in brick-and-mortar stores in the Czech Republic, Hungary, and Slovakia. The advisory encompassed due diligence of the target company, drafting and negotiation of transaction documentation and handling all closing matters in cooperation with a partner law firm in Munich, Germany. Once again, Peterka & Партнерs proved its ability to provide seamless legal services by its own teams in several jurisdictions and cooperate with partner law firms on other jurisdictions. More information is available here: EN website - Fenix Outdoor
PETERKA & PARTNERS advised J&T VENTURES CG SICAV in travel platform investment
14/03/2024 PETERKA & PARTNERS advised J&T VENTURES CG SICAV in travel platform investment
Peterka & Партнерs’ Prague office provided legal advisory services to a venture investment fund, J&T VENTURES CG SICAV, in connection with a new investment round in a London-based start-up platform (USD 10 Mil.). This platform connects tourists with local drivers who transport them door-to-door, from one city to the next. PP advice encompassed commenting and amending transaction documentation, as well as negotiating with founders and new investors. Read more about it: EN website - Businesswire EN website - The Recursive EN website - PhocusWire
PETERKA & PARTNERS advised J&T VENTURES CG SICAV in Choice investment
05/03/2024 PETERKA & PARTNERS advised J&T VENTURES CG SICAV in Choice investment
The Prague office of PETERKA & PARTNERS, together with Polish and Ukrainian offices, advised J&T Ventures in their investment in Choice.
Choice offers a wide range of tools for restaurants, including a digital menu, a website for pick up and delivery, table reservations, QR codes, and more. Thanks to this investment, Choice is going to expand across Europe. Read more about it: Ondrej Dusek´s LinkedIn EN website CZ website
PETERKA & PARTNERS among Airlines for Europe members
02/02/2024 PETERKA & PARTNERS among Airlines for Europe members
In January 2024, our law firm became a member of the Airlines for Europe (A4E) association. The main goals of the A4E are to ensure the sustainable growth of aviation and contribute to the socioeconomic development of European nations, and to support, and build up, business relationships among enterprises operating in the aviation sector in Europe.
Martyna Ryś-Wilgus, Старший юрист, and Leader of the Aviation Practice, has been handling cases for clients from the aviation sector for several years, and since January 2024, she has also been the coordinator of the firm's cooperation with Airlines for Europe.
PETERKA & PARTNERS has significant experience with the aviation industry and offers comprehensive legal advisory to entities in this field throughout the entire CEE region. For several years now, our Aviation Team have been representing a large air carrier in litigations initiated by passengers (or large companies buying passenger claims) for compensation for delayed flights. Our Litigation Department provides comprehensive legal analysis regarding our clients’ operations on the CEE market, including compliance with the obligatory requirements under applicable law (including advisory on general PNR and API data transmission obligations). The advisory covers also full legal assistance in disputes with passengers related to delayed or cancelled flights and other consumer disputes.
Polish directors for PETERKA & PARTNERS share their insights in leading their office
11/01/2024 Polish directors for PETERKA & PARTNERS share their insights in leading their office
Our Партнерs, Directors for Poland Agnieszka Siwińska and Dorota Ploskowicz share interesting insights into leading the Polish branch of PETERKA & PARTNERS. They both also specialize in M&A projects and as they say, managing such projects is an excellent preparation for running a law firm. Read more about it HERE.
PETERKA PARTNERS in Euro magazine
27/11/2023 PETERKA PARTNERS in Euro magazine
PETERKA PARTNERS achieved recognition as a standout player in the legal field, securing a coveted position in EURO’s top-tier. We would like to express our sincere appreciation for this acknowledgment and extend our hearty congratulations to our fellow distinguished law firms.

Alongside this recognition, Euro magazine featured a compelling interview with our partners, Zdenek Beranek and Hynek Peroutka, who shed light on the legal services landscape in the CEE region and the various challenges confronting legal professionals (and not only them).

Hynek also shared his thoughts on handling large amounts of data by law firms nowadays and contemplated the dilemma of representing clients who may be deemed not “Green” enough.

The issue also includes insights into AI by our colleagues Agnieszka Siwinska, Director of our Polish office. The quoting of this wonderful “woman in law” further underlines the success of our colleagues Adela Krbcova and Pavla Kopeckova Prikrylova in the overview of the Top 100 Women in the Czech Legal Business.
TOP 100 women in the legal business
16/11/2023 TOP 100 women in the legal business
Naše Právničky v Žebříčku TOP 100 Žen v Právním Byznysu S obrovskou radostí a hrdostí oznamujeme, že dvě naše vynikající právničky, Adéla Krbcová a Pavla Přikrylová Kopečková, se staly součástí prestižního žebříčku TOP 100 žen v právním byznysu. Adéla byla oceněna v kategorii TOP partnerky, zatímco Pavla vyniká v oblasti M&A, Korporátní právo a Private Equity. Adéla Krbcová - TOP Партнерka Adéla není pouze právničkou; je symbolem excelence, odhodlání a lidskosti v právu. Její brilantní právnické dovednosti a schopnost nalézt optimální řešení pro naše klienty ji řadí mezi nejlepší v oboru. Umístění v kategorii TOP partnerky je výsledkem její tvrdé práce, oddanosti a vize pro spravedlnost. Pavla Přikrylová Kopečková - M&A, Korporátní Právo a Private Equity Pavla se v oblasti M&A, Korporátního práva a Private Equity stala uznávanou autoritou. Její expertíza a schopnost navigovat v komplexních transakcích ji řadí mezi špičkové profesionálky v oboru. Toto ocenění v žebříčku TOP 100 žen je zaslouženým uznáním jejího výjimečného přínosu v oblasti korporátního práva. Oceňujeme Jejich Úspěchy Tato umístění nejsou jen úspěchem pro naše právničky, ale i pro celý náš tým. Jsme hrdí, že můžeme mít takové výjimečné profesionálky ve svých řadách. Jejich práce, oddanost a profesionalita posilují naši firmu a posouvají naše právní služby na novou úroveň. Gratulace od Nás Všech Srdečně gratulujeme Adéle Krbcové a Pavle Přikrylové Kopečkové k těmto prestižním oceněním. Jsou to zářné příklady výjimečnosti a inspirace pro nás všechny. Těšíme se na další společné úspěchy a neuvěřitelný přínos do budoucnosti.
Our lawyers in the TOP 100 women in the legal business We are very proud and pleased to announce that two of our outstanding female lawyers, Adéla Krbcová and Pavla Přikrylová Kopečková, have been included in the prestigious TOP 100 Women in Legal Business. Adéla has been recognized in the TOP Women Партнерs category, while Pavla excels in M&A, corporate and private equity. Adéla Krbcová - TOP female partner Adéla is not just a lawyer, she is a symbol of excellence, commitment and humanity in law. Her brilliant legal knowledge and ability to find optimal solutions for our clients make her one of the best in the field. Being ranked among the top partners is the result of her hard work, dedication and vision for justice. Pavla Přikrylová Kopečková - M&A, corporate and private equity Pavla has become a recognized authority on mergers and acquisitions, corporate and private equity. Her expertise and ability to navigate complex transactions make her one of the top professionals in the field. This Top 100 Women award is a well-deserved recognition of her exceptional contributions to the field of corporate law. Recognition of her achievements This ranking is not just an achievement of our female lawyers, but of our entire team. We are proud to have such exceptional female professionals in our ranks. Their work, dedication and professionalism strengthen our firm and take our legal services to the next level. Congratulations to all of you We sincerely congratulate Adela Krbcova and Pavla Přikrylová Kopečková on these prestigious awards. They are a shining example of excellence and an inspiration to us all. We look forward to more successes and incredible contributions together in the future.
IBA - Diversity and Inclusion Toolkit for Lawyers
06/11/2023 IBA - Diversity and Inclusion Toolkit for Lawyers
Diversity has a positive effect on productivity and competitiveness and brings with it the opportunity for expansion on both domestic and international markets. At PETERKA & PARTNERS, we are fully aware of how diversity is important for our progress and we have made great effort in this area for many years. Today, we are honored and proud to share that our Партнер Pavla Kopeckova Prikrylova together with Antonia Verna of Portolano Cavallo led the initiative and launched a “truly transformational instrument” – a Diversity and Inclusion Toolkit for law firms. The project started at European level and with the support of the IBA special projects fund and was extended to become a global IBA initiative at the start of 2023. The D&I Toolkit is available in its interactive form on the IBA website: https://lnkd.in/dTMt6PPP
Successful end of a 13-year-long litigation
02/11/2023 Successful end of a 13-year-long litigation
PETERKA & PARTNERS’s Prague office led to a successful end a nearly 13-year-long litigation on behalf of our client, a Czech subsidiary of TOUAX, a prominent French-origin global group and a family-run business, which later became a subsidiary of Modulaire Group, Europe, and Asia Pacific's leading specialist in modular services and infrastructure. The case centred on an alleged breach of a subcontracting agreement and the associated contractual penalty and the value of the case exceeded 2 million EUR. Our team defended the nullity of the agreement by arguing and evidencing a conflict of interest involving the signatory. The case was tried three times before the court of first instance, two times before the appellate court, and twice before the Supreme Court. It ended with a final win for our client at the Supreme Court followed by a settlement agreement concluded by the parties in order to solve a few remaining auxiliary claims.
10/10/2023 PETERKA&PARTNERS Newsletter
Dear Clients, Business Партнерs and Colleagues, it is our pleasure to share with you the latest edition of PETERKA & PARTNERS Newsletter prepared by our colleagues.
You may read it here.
As per usual, we bring you the summary of practical legal and tax news from our jurisdictions as well as latest news from PETERKA & PARTNERS. We hope you will enjoy the reading!
Global Advocaten Annual Meeting - Bratislava
10/10/2023 Global Advocaten Annual Meeting - Bratislava
PETERKA & PARTNERS had the privilege to host this year's Global Advocaten annual meeting in the charming city of Bratislava. We really enjoyed welcoming all colleagues and friends from different countries and continents. While we did some serious work, we also appreciated the great time we spent together enjoying the gorgeous city of Slovakia in the lovely autumn and making our relationships stronger in the network. We would like to thank all members who attended the meeting and we are looking forward to next year's meeting!
ILN 2023 European Regional Conference
10/10/2023 ILN 2023 European Regional Conference
We are proud that we hosted another International Lawyers Network conference in Prague, the heart of Europe. It has been 15 years since we had the opportunity to welcome our international colleagues and friends in Prague, where our firm's headquarters is located. Along with Lindsay Griffiths, Pavla Kopečková Přikrylová, the Chair of the Board and the team of the event planners from Dynamic Events, we sincerely hope all the guest enjoyed our wonderful city and the conference.
Czech Republic
As the content of the local web site is subject to prior approval of the Romanian bar,
this page is not available at the moment. We apologize for inconveniences.

Web stranica PETERKA & PARTNERS odvjetničko društvo d.o.o.
Trg Nikole Zrinskog 16, Zagreb, telefon: +385 99 4585181 / haramija@peterkapartners.hr
OIB: 61481916494, upisano u sudski registar Trgovačkog suda u Zagrebu pod MBS: 081482808,
direktor: Ondřej Peterka,
temeljni kapital: HRK 350 000,00 / EUR 46 452,98 (fiksni tečaj konverzije 7,53450; uplaćen u cijelosti),
IBAN: HR3523600001103046783, otvoren kod Zagrebačka banka d.d., Zagreb, Trg bana Josipa Jelačića 10
je u izradi


Website of PETERKA & PARTNERS law firm Ltd.
Trg Nikole Zrinskog 16, Zagreb, tel. contact: +385 994585181 / haramija@peterkapartners.hr
PIN: 61481916494, registered in Commercial Register of Commercial Court in Zagreb under MBS: 081482808,
director: Ondřej Peterka,
shared capital: HRK 350 000,00 / EUR 46 452,98 (fixed conversation rate 7,53450; paid in full),
IBAN: HR3523600001103046783, opened at Zagrebačka banka d.d., Zagreb, Trg bana Josipa Jelačića 10
is under construction